I’m not a joiner. I didn’t join the band club, I didn’t run for class president, and I am not a member of the Elks. I’m not in to just joining a cause because it’s a place to meet people and be social. To be honest, I hardly care. In fact, I don’t care. I’ve been lucky enough to meet a girl with my same dreams, and I’ve got three beautiful and daughters that are in my charge whom I love. Everything beyond that is a bonus.
I also love riding motorcycles. Ever since I first tasted riding 20 years ago, I knew it was part of my soul. A perfect day to me is riding a thousand miles exhausted to a place I’ve never been to on a friday, and spending the next two days riding home. Riding is the closest thing to beauty and maybe even sanity that I’ve ever known. On the road, the answers to life come rushing in when you’re on two wheels with the wind in your face. I could spend the rest of my life experiencing that and trying to describe it, and probably never ever pin that down. I hope to spend the rest of my life trying.
I also have come to realize that Innocence is a rare thing. You’re not and I’m not. We all have things we may be ashamed of, guilty of, and could be wrong of. There’s two sides to every single story. Every divorce, every disagreement, every misunderstanding & argument, every business deal. We all make mistakes that weigh on us, and we try and improve and become better people. Sometimes we do, and some times we don’t. Thats just life. It is what it is.
Except kids. Like George Burns said in the movie “Oh God!” : “kids have enough to do just being themselves”. Kids are the only thing that is innocent in this world. They trust us, they need us. It’s innate in them. They just expect us, as adults to keep them safe. I love their resiliency and optimism. We need more of that in the world. Kids are the only thing that are pure and innocent. They also can’t escape us if we violate that trust.
But there are some worthless fucks in this world who don’t care about that. They’re one in a thousand, but they’re out there. They are for themselves to an extreme. There are some who could give a shit about the beauty of who we all once were, and who we should all aspire to be. These are the self indulgent cowards in the night who would rob that innocence. These men and women are my enemy. These children are my hero’s.
The BACA creed says it all for me. I’ll do WHATEVER it takes to keep these kids safe. No child Deserves to live in fear. If I’m the only obstacle, I’ll be that obstacle. The men and women I serve gladly with are my brothers. This is not the glee club, the Lions, or the welcome wagon. We are not here to brighten your day, not be rough around the edges or sell you things. We are here to protect your children. We swear, we ride like madmen and we are not what society would call “refined” or civilized, but we will do our job. We’ll make abused kids laugh, smile and at the end of the day, they’ll feel safe because they’ll believe when we tell them we’ll keep them safe. Only then will we sleep.
Riding a motorcycle may kill me one day. I am prepared for that, and I’m 100% fine with that. I love riding, and a life without riding isn’t living to me. I take the same approach with BACA and protecting these kids. I’d die in the line of duty with my kids, and with yours. Nothing in my life will ever compare to the work I do with B.A.C.A. I’m not in it to act like a bad ass, be in a club or wear colors. It takes my time, breaks my heart, and costs me money. But I can’t ignore it. It needs to be done and I can’t be neutral now. Only cowards are neutral to child abuse.
This is my patch: I have earned it. I will keep earning it. Whatever it takes.

I am a proud member of bikers against child abuse. This is my fire.