We left St. George at 4:45 pm and stopped by to drop off Vern’s truck, and was on the road a little after 5. It was really windy through vegas, and coupled with the fact I’m never in a very good mood when I first leave on trips, it wasnt a very good ride. We
gassed up in Glendale, ate at Jack in the Box in Vegas, Gassed up in Jean, and when we hit the California state line it was possibly the best ride i’ve had yet. It was cool, the sun was behind the mountain and no more wind. The Magna seemed to purr. We were rocking out on hawg trip tapes and I started to realize My wife and I were on Vacation! We gassed up in Baker and headed on to barstow. It was around 11:00 St George Time when we pulled into Barstow. We had to go back because we missed the KOA 5 Miles back.
Our camping equipment is great! we wondered how we wouldve gotten along w/o it.
Anyway, we rode 285 Miles last night.
[googlemaps http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Saint+George,+UT&geocode=&dirflg=&daddr=Barstow+CA&f=d&sll=37.147182,-113.583527&sspn=0.245198,0.630341&ie=UTF8&s=AARTsJp-2dxpT14HSIFTokCFgoUY1sGJTw&ll=35.995785,-115.290527&spn=3.11083,4.669189&z=7&output=embed&w=425&h=350]