Well, we made it. Pat came down thursday night, and friday morning mister sunshine finally got his legs underneath him and we hit the road and on over the utah hill. We stopped at lees to buy some scotch, sample the same, and then on to vegas, avoiding the freeway as much as we could. What the hell right? we had nothing but time.
We hit vegas, and gassed up right before we checked into the hotel to get settled and head out. The only problem is I filled up on 85 percent ethanol without noticing what I’d done. by the time it hit my injectors, I knew It wasnt going to fly on that fuel, so we had to find a place to drain it. In about a half hour, we fixe the problem, I fueled up again on shit that wasnt made out of corn and we went and got registered. Our fun wasnt over. After registering, Pat and I managed to illegally pass a vegas cop who pulled us over. Luckily he was a biker himself and very cool and even had a sense of humor:

After that, we went over to Las Vegas Harley to see the local entertainment, then back to cashman center to check out all the vendors, which there was quite a few.
Friday night was pretty uneventful. We headed back to the hotel, grabbed some dinner and some drinks and crashed fairly early to be up by 7 to hit the poker run. The pot was $100,000, and we had as good a shot as anyone.
Saturday October 4th

woke up, grabbed some coffee and headed out. It had rained that night a bit, and the clouds were looking like it might again. It didnt. It was overall a helluva good day. We went and registered, made our stops at Las vegas harley for our first card and a doughnut, then out to Mt Charleston, a place I’d never visted. It was awesome. Nice and high, and you could really smell the desert from the rain that night. It smelled great, and I really enjoyed the ride up the mountain. I had a possible straight flush at that point. I was feeling lucky to be honest, and had a feeling I was gonna win the 100k. If I didnt, I didnt care. The deal Pat and I had that whoever won, we would split the money and pay off the bikes. Maybe I felt

lucky because my bike might be paid off sooner than I thought, but it wasnt because of my hand, because the next stop in south vegas screwed my straight flush up, but not a straight. The next stop screwed up my straight at the harley cafe, where we ate lunch and then pressed back to the final spot, then to cashman center where we started.
We walked around, had a few beers and I bought a novelty helmet that everyone wears in Nevada, some stickers, and we pulled out and headed back to the hotel. It was a pretty mellow weekend, but the company was great hanging out with my bro. We hit up a hooters for dinner, i lost 50 bucks at the roulette table, then went back and crashed. The next morning we were up early and opened em up, hit a steady 90 and I was home by noon. Pat was home by 4.
All in all, a great weekend.