So my bike is back. I’m only 367 miles and one oil change so far into breaking her in. I need to have some mrzip time. I also realize that my kids need time too. They’ve been wanting to go camping.
So Saturday morning we loaded up the RV and headed out to the valley of fire in Nevada for some family time. I think I’ve driven through it, but to be honest I don’t totally remember.
We showed up around around noon, set camp and our friends the sunyiches showed up not too much later.
Ok, first off, I’m not a very social person. I usually don’t hang out with neighbors, go out of my way to make friends or quite honestly really care. I am who I am, and don’t usually give too much of a shit for what you’re doing. I do my own thing, in my own time. I’m fine with that.
But my friend shawn went and broke the ice with our neighbors in the next camp. It’s why I hang out with him sometimes, he’s a good guy. We had a few beers, drank some whiskey, shot the shit and by nighfall, we were huddled around the campfire with 3 familes and a couple guitars got busted out, and Neil Young songs were sung by the campfire. It was seriously cool. I’ve never done that. These were good people, just like us. Fighting their fight, making their way in the world, and doing as good a job as they can. It fired me up to press on with my fight, and they may not even know the impression they made.
We laughed, joked untill some punk from new york came over at 9:45 and told us to keep it down. I enjoyed the night. I think it made an impression on my daughter who is learning to play guitar. We all had a good time.
The next morning we woke up, did some hiking and headed home. Shawn had the hangover from hell. I don’t think I’ve personally ever been that sick as he was. He headed home and we took his kids home.
Was a good weekend. Something I’ll always remember.
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Love the songs! Enjoy the posts. Really like the Neil Young, but it seems like he could have rode something other than a sporster! I've ridden for 35 years or better and NEVER rode a sporster. Wouldn't put my A** on one unless my old knuckle broke down and needed a lift to get something! Keep the nastalgia coming:) Puts me in the taking off mood and ride to where ever!