Met at the bikes, sunscreened up, swapped stories and headed out of Abilene.
I’d slept good the night before, and was ready to head out. On to Austin. We were out of the Pan Handle, and Texas got even more interesting. We hit Comanche Texas, about 80 miles away. About 10 o’ Clock it seems, our tour guide Steve starts needing a doughnut. I’d imagine if I was up front, I’d have seen the rubber necking at 9:30 ish. He found a place. We had an 80 mile Harley-Davidson ass, so the break was welcome.

My mom used to make these things that she called “pigs in a blanket”. They’re basically hot dogs, wrapped in Pillsbury something-or-other dough, and baked. I don’t eat breakfast much, so I just hung out in the parking lot until I found out they were selling these little numbers. We ate at all kinds of places on this trip. I ate at Gene Simmons restaurant in L.A. I ate gut bombs, at the local Chevron gas station. I ate real Texas BBQ on this trip. I ate at a 100 dollar a plate restaurant in the french quarter of new Orleans that opened up in the year 1830 on this trip. Those little pigs in a blanket at that little place, in Comanche Texas were right up there on the top of the list.
We saddled up, and we headed south to Lano Texas. We still had some miles to go.

Cranked up the Who, twisted the throttle and just tried to take it all in. I think I like Texas.

Steve found a cool little twisty road, on the way to Austin:

Into Marble falls. We ate at theRiver City Grill. Great view.

The road out of Marble falls was beautiful. Newly paved, and up and down, twists and turns. Made for a motorcycle. We rolled into the freeway, and headed north to Round Rock. We needed souvenirs. I needed a long sleeve shirt. 10 days of sun will kill a man.
Central Texas Harley – Davidson, Round Rock Texas

We headed the last 20 miles into Austin, down the freeway. Stop and go traffic at quitting time. We maneuvered our way off the freeway, and into our place at the Comfort inn parking garage.
I shut my bike off, and locked her up. We only had 2 more days to ride. I turned 46 years old today. Riding all day on your birthday is exactly what i’d have asked for.
I headed up to the hotel room, and cleaned the road up off of me. Then Went down to the bar around the corner, made a few friends and watched some hockey playoffs.

Had a long talk to Missus Dunn and my kids. Great day. I was exhausted.
Today was a cool day. A riding day. Took me about 2 hours to put that map together at the bottom of this post. I’d tried to keep track of the highway numbers that day, but in the end I had to message Steve for some help. Thanks Steve!
Day 10: Easy Rider Movie Location Tour – 282 Miles
Yeah the BBQ in Texas is quite amazing and tasty.