Day 0: EagleRider Offices, El Segundo CA
Flew into LA a couple of days before, and the next day headed over to EagleRider for a meeting about the trip. Met the EagleRider crew, and talked about the route.
I’ll admit, I had no idea what to expect. I just saw a group of people from the UK, Switzerland, Brazil, New Jersey, Belgium and Australia. Just names on paper. Could be good or bad, and I had no idea. I was ready to ride and I’d figure it out as I went along. Met Steve, our tour guide for the first time. He seemed professional and pretty easy going. In the end, my instincts weren’t wrong. Brandon was on his first run with EagleRider on the chase vehicle, and felt we were both kind of in the same boat in a way. We spent the morning getting a few things ready, checking out a few locations, having some lunch and shooting the shit. We drove over to LAX to find a spot to park the bikes for our first stop, just as a plane was coming in right over our heads, just like in the movie.
A Good omen. The first of a few on this trip. It was starting to feel like I’d finally gotten here.
We headed back to EagleRider to get ready for everyone to arrive and get everything ready. We spent some time loading Captain America, a spare bike, and double checking equipment and tools. I paid attention and tried to learn a thing. Getting a feel for this tour, and how EagleRider works.

I knew they’d built the bikes for this ride, but I’d never seen them up close. I am not gonna lie – I had a woody.

Beautiful bikes. EagleRider did a good job.
About the bikes: no, they’re not hardcore original. Even Peter Fonda didn’t ride the whole route on a hardtail. They’re softails, and V-twin engines. They’re made to ride. They look pretty damn good.
Got to drive the EagleRider van to pick people up. They launched a whole lotta tours that day, so it was kinda hectic. The focus for them is customer experience. In my 2 weeks, it showed over and over.
When everything was somewhat settled, they gave me my bike for this trip. 2013 Street Glide. Six speed, 103. 11 miles on her.

We all got our bikes going, headed to the hotel. Then dinner, at Gene Simmons Rock and Brews. Pretty Cool Place. Conversation was good, and we were all looking forward to tomorrows ride I think.
Everyone was a stranger at that point. That would change. In the morning, we’d ride. Quick Easy Rider stop at LAX, then on to Death Valley where the movie really starts.
I'm SO jealous!
What a beatiful machine.