Its funny. My kids are becoming adults. We’ll see what happens.
From the very beginning, I think most parents try and spot a little of themselves in them. Your wife, your grandfather you loved, whomever. You try and see if they have your nose, or your wife’s eyes, and you tell people. People tell you.
They grow up, and you see a little more. At that point, its personal. Or at least, it should be.
I’m pretty proud of my kids. I see parts that I don’t worry about, and parts I do. My delusion is that I can help them through some of those parts. Me, And my wife, and my grandfather that I loved. whomever. Those experiences all have something to say.
End of the day, they’re going to forge their path, do a whole new thing and hopefully make you proud.
Yeah, I’m proud. I got good kids.