I was in Jr High when Reagan was shot. I was pretty young, but I remember exactly where I was and what was happening. I had just gotten on the bus to go home, when the bus driver what had happened. I remember some of my friends reactions. Tragedy, will tell you a lot about a persons character, As I’ve looked back on that day.
I was at work when the first plane hit the building. Word spread fast, and we were all on the internet trying to get news. No One knew what had happened. Then the second plane hit, and it was pretty clear to me, pretty fast. We were under attack. I’d just sold my business, had 2 young kids and a wife of 10 years now, things were starting to get good for me. I knew the world had just changed. To be honest, I was worried about what was going to happen. We spent the rest of the day glued to the TV. You couldn’t do business that day anyway. No One was buying, and no one was selling. The whole country wondered what lied ahead.
Weird that it was 12 years ago. A lot has happened since then.
This 2 Million Bikers to DC thing has been pretty moving to me. I’m trying to figure out why.
I’ve been to lots of biker rallies, and ridden with 500 bikers down the freeway in tight formation, taking over the road for a mile. It wasn’t that.
I’ve been to DC before. I lived there for a couple of years. It wasn’t that.
It was the fact that it came together, and people bought in. Bikers. The people I trust, and identify with the most I think. Americans. Proud. Guys that don’t fuck around. All riding to make a statement, on pretty short notice. Thousands of em.
I wish I coulda been there. I like the message. I’m not really a “muslim” guy, and the timing of their march in that place pissed me off quite frankly. Word is, there were more cops than Muslims.
To me, it says there’s still a whole lotta good in America. People that believe like I do. I shouldn’t be surprised that its the same type of people I call friends on a daily basis.
Thanks for this. It meant a lot to me too. I cried. I don't have a Harley but I love seeing them, and this ride, the 2 million Biker March on Washington was fabulous. It's the Americana of it, the patriotism, the seasoned soldier, the good soul, our history of wheels and rides and motors and red hot exhaust pipes, and caring about this country. You guys were a tremendous boost to everyone on 9/11. God bless one and all of you and God bless America.
Right on, Holycowgirl. Thanks for the post… More good people….