2 days riding with new friends. A child ride, where I got the chance to meet an abused kid and promise I’d be there if they’d need me, and we all meant it. A party at a BACA brothers house in Salt Lake City, where at one point we shut down the freeway educating some prick who decided he wanted to drive like an asshole, and a ride with new friends yesterday on a cancer ride. Some things I’ll never forget. People who are as solid as the day is long. Its an honor to be a part of this chapter.
Its funny when you ride with people you trust, and know how to ride. It’s like the fucking blue Angels. Riding tight and fast.
And there’s still a monday in the deck. How good is that? Got some baby back ribs seasoned up, and the smoker will fire up in an hour or so. Making some baked beans, hopefully some good ribs, and atomic buffalo turds (ABT’s). Time with the family today. Life is pretty damn good.