I’ma gonna find me some long side road on a map, that leads me to some proud little side town, out in the middle of no where. One of those towns where main street is 100 yards long. Park the bike. Ask the questions, and drink in the history. I’ve kind of learned to spot em.
I can almost see it now, And to me, its a beautiful thing.
Strike up a conversation with a long time local old guy, who’s knows his town. They’re always willing to tell you their stories if you ask right, and the stories are always good, when you pay attention. Eat at the local greasy spoon. Spend a couple of hours, watch people go by.
I’ll wonder how I’ll get home by Sunday night, Buy a tank of gas even if I don’t need it, just because I feel like I’m helping out a local economy that needs a buck or two.
Then, kick up a foot peg, Twist the throttle and play the Rolling Stones while I think about what I just learned.
The next town is 30 more miles.