Halsteads Blackjack Inn – Nevada

There’s something about Nevada that I love.   Its mostly nothing but a 2 lane, straight ass highway through most of it, with a few little surprises along the way.   To me, its a great road trip.   There something strong about the desert that I love.   Whether you’re a lizard, a cow or a human being – You have to adapt and be tough if you live out here.    I likey.

A few road candy Icons along the way — The Stage stop Bar and Cafe.    From the looks of it, its pretty much closed down.   It’s out in the middle of nowhere, and if you have stories I’d love to hear em:

Stage Stop Bar Cafe Nevada

One more place was the club 50 in McGill Nevada.    It looks like it hasn’t had a guest in a while.

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The Club Cafe McGill Nevada
The Club Cafe McGill Nevada
Club 50 McGill Nevada
The Club 50 Cafe in the 80’s

We Stayed the night at the Hotel Nevada in Ely.   The missus and I gambled a bit, had a few drinks and enjoyed the night.    We Stayed in the Tennessee Ernie Ford Room.   Heh, the Lusty Land….

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Easy Rider Poster Hotel Nevada
They had an Autographed Easy Rider Poster in the Lobby.   You can tell this is a classy joint.    

We woke up in the AM and headed out into the most empty road you’d ever want to know.  I swear in 180 miles, we passed 2 cars.

The Halstead BlackJack Inn:   I wished I knew the story of this place.    I’ve heard from a few friends that it was open as late as 20 years ago, but it doesn’t look like it to me.   This is a pretty old building, and from the siding it looks like it was built in the 40s.    If anyone knows a story or two here, I’d love to hear it.  The last time I was here was 2008, and its changed a little.  Please post below — There’s some ghosts here, and I’d love to know a thing about this remote place.

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Halsteads BlackJack Inn Nevada27


Halsteads BlackJack Inn Nevada28

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Halsteads BlackJack Inn Nevada23

Halsteads BlackJack Inn Nevada22

Halsteads BlackJack Inn Nevada21

Halsteads BlackJack Inn Nevada20

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Halsteads BlackJack Inn Nevada26

2 thoughts on “Halsteads Blackjack Inn – Nevada”

  1. The place with the “Stage Stop” sign is still called Lage’s. There used to be a little restaurant where you could buy sodas and there were (for some reason) lots of peacocks outside. This was the early 90s. Not sure when it closed.

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