Booked me a road trip for next weekend. It’s more than likely gonna be short, but with a little encouragement we could make it longer. A little road time never hurt anybody.
About 8 years ago, I found me a pretty trippy ghost town that quite frankly, really freaked me out when I was there. Out in the middle of nowhere Nevada I found this place. Within a 175 miles of a Nevada road that was straight as a rifle barrel, I passed a total of 2 cars. It was Currant Nevada, and I dug it. This time, I’m going to take a few more pictures and enjoy it. Document it. Maybe ask around, and get a few stories. I’m Taking the drone. It was a place pretty much frozen in time. The place has had my curiosity for 8 years. I’ll post some video, and try to tell what stories I have.
There’s some cool old ghosts along this road. Chuck Yeager learned to fly there. Fortunes were made and lost. The extra terrestrial highway. I kinda dig it.
Riding and road trips, are always just a little mystery figure out here and there. God help me, I do love it 🙂
It might be cool.
Awesome ! Waiting to see !