One of the things I like about Missus Zip is I’m able to sell her on doing things that normal people aren’t prone to doing. Like getting out of bed early on a Saturday morning (its a hard sell) and riding 40 miles to try a Breakfast joint a couple of towns away.
I’m usually up at 5, and I sit on the couch and watch the rifleman, or some war movie till I can’t stand it any longer, then go upstairs and pitch my latest idea that just came to me a few minutes ago. She usually relents. Missus Zip is a sport.
It’s been unbelievably nice weather, and the ride was nice. We found this bitchen old cafe that had been there since 1955 that had good reviews and tried it out. Tags is one of those old time local places. Full of Arizona Cowboys who give you the eye when you walk in, wondering who the outsiders are. They make a mean breakfast.

The ride was nice, so I pushed my luck and said lets head south to see an old Spanish mission I’ve been wanting to see. Mission San Xavier del Bac.
There’s not very many modern era buildings in the west that date back to the 1700’s. Back east, there are a bunch, but here its pretty rare.

I’m not a religious guy at all, but I can appreciate the reverence that people have for this place, and I’m pretty amazed by it. Humans make cool shit 🙂

We enjoyed the day, found us a new Mexican restaurant we haven’t tried in Tucson, and rode home.
A pretty damn good day methinks.
Very entertaining story and great pictures