It’s a Sunday, and up at 4 AM. Enjoying the desert morning and having a little coffee. I’m fired up.
It’ll be a total of 17 people; mostly from the UK and Germany, one from Denmark and also Spain.
I’ve got one gal whos riding the 3k trip on a Sportster — Impressive. She must be the toughest woman alive 🙂
My Van Driver is a guy named Steve, a very experienced guide. I enjoy the hell out of his company, so that makes it even better. Steve is a good soul.
Man, almost 3 weeks on the road — my favorite thing. 2 on a bike crossing half way across the US, and then bringing the Van back to California after the trip. I’ll have a few days to explore a bit on the way home. I’ve never seen the Alamo, and I plan on doing that. Maybe big bend Texas. I’d like to check out a swamp at some point, and see some gators. Who knows, I’ll shoot from the hip at that point.
The last three weeks Death Valley has been over 115 degrees, and by Wednesday, it’ll be only 102. Thats a huge Bonus. If you’re not used to riding in the Desert, that can mess you up. 102 should be manageable.
I compressed a little time at work this month, kicked a little ass and I’ll hit my monthly work goal in the first 2 weeks, so I’ll leave knowing I handled my shit. Another bonus.
I love my job and what I do, but I gotta say I’m excited to be with people who are older and closer to my age for a few weeks.
I’m ready to go — I’ve been ready for a week now. Its time to ride.