Always wanted a personalized license plate. They call em vanity plates, and turns out, I’m Vain. I’m fairly geeked about it, and they look good on my bike.
With the route 66 plate, ya only get 4 letters. I tried to get “EASY” or “RIDR”, but they were both taken. I couldn’t just get “ZIP”, so I settled with just MZIP. It’s inconspicuous, but it makes me smile. Plus, when I check into hotel rooms on future road trips I’ll be able to remember my license plate without having to go outside.
I think this weekend the wife and I are gonna ride down to Casa Grande and just scope out the place. Get out of the house. She’s not up for very long rides, If I can get 100 miles from Mrs Zip thats a helluva feat, so Casa Grande might work.
Stay safe out there, ya biker pricks. 🙂
Many thanks for the fix
Thanks for the heads up my friend. Stay safe out there in Texas sir
Lotsa porch sitting!