Was able to throw down a few hundred miles today, which is always good. Missus Zip threw me a bit of a hall pass Friday, so I jumped on the chance to make a few miles. To be honest, when you need to get a little saddle time she knows I’ll go with or without a hall pass, but I always enjoy the ride a little more knowing you’re not gonna come home to any size of marital hornets nest.
My business partner and his family had been camping up on the Mogollon rim, which is the forested and northern side of the state so I ran up to say hello.
Arizona I swear has the best named places in any place on the planet. Happy Jack is a killer song by the Who, and is also one of the best riding areas in the State. It’s around 7500 feet of elevation, and up in the Ponderosa pines. Its beautiful. The weather was 75 degress and you couldn’t wipe the smile off my face.

I ran to Happy Jack, shot the bull with everyone for a few hours, then doubled back and ran through the Tonto basin, which is always a great ride.
1 day, 350 miles, 1 State.