I was raised by wolves. Very kind, very nurturing wolves. I love riding to a town a just barely learned the name of on a Friday, making a decision at the intersection to get myself lost 1000 miles away from home on a Saturday, and trying to figure out how the hell I can get home on a Sunday. Just ride a place and see a thing.
Still not much snow up here, and little enough that if I had a bike I’d be riding in it. I don’t, but I got a line on one. Hopefully if all goes well by springtime.
I can’t wait. I miss riding more than anything. I get dreams at night about it. I’ll have one, one way or another. It’s who I am.
Whats your favorite song? Sound off, even if its in your top 20. I could use some music expansion, and would love to know what music you like. Gimme a song. The floor is yours…
Lots of complications, but only one answer. I gotta have a bike. I supposedly live in the snow, and despite the locals talk, I’ve yet to see it. Its 12 degrees in the morning, but I wouldnt be going sideways.
I gotta get me a bike. I need the hope of a bike. I gotta put me a plan into action. I got a few moves.
Been reading some of my old blog posts. Fuck, I gotta get me a bike. I gotta wake up in a new town, with a new outlook on the day. One good day lasts a month sometimes.
I love my wife, God knows I do.
I love my kids. I love seeing who they are, and how they handle challenges. Sometimes holding the wife off from their challenges, so they can find out what they’re made of. Thats a blog post for some day, that maybe only men can understand.
but I miss my bike. Can’t go into the garage and start her, can’t ride around the block. Can’t dream about the next long trip where I sit in field and wonder how it was in the day, or bullshit with a bro who understands. Can’t be the prick who’s riding when its way too cold. yeah, I gotta have a bike.
Time to get serious. yeah, it really is complicated, but by next snow melt, Ill have one.
The man had pipes. I watch the news every morning, but didn’t hear he passed. A one hit wonder from 1 974 doesn’t make the main stream news, but a great song is a rare thing… IMO. and a great singer to match makes it even greater.
I love this song. I love the vulnerability of the lyric, and the passion of in the voice. Got some good memories of this song. Nevada or Arizona desert, hearing this song and singing out loud. hell… noone is listening, and I can’t sing. its all I got. Dogs can’t howl at 70 mph. 🙂 Rip the throttle, and open the heart up. I can see it in my mind, and feel it in my heart.
and I googled dobie gray tonight. Guess he died 4 days ago. RIP dobie gray. you moved me man.
So I surfed a little youtube and listened to this song; listen to this. if you’ve got a woman you love and care for, how could this not be an anthem to her?
Rod stewart did a great version of this song, but I tend to the originals. I know, I know, he’s a muslim now, but the good stuff is still in there no matter how redneck your blood is. This is a good song. Does this not apply to you?
I gave my daughter the SUV today to take to school. Robyn and I took the saturn to orem,25 miles away and left her the car. she was a bit grateful, and the girl I’m pretty proud of made us a fine dinner. Fresh fish from my father in law, and some organic grain I can’t remember and sauteed carrots. For that, she gets a car tomorrow again!. I couldn’t be prouder as a parent. sure, they got their problems, but theyll fight through em. I hope they’ve got the understanding that if you put your back into something, you’ll get through anything. I think mrs zip and I have passed that on, at least I think we have. I see it differently in each of my kids, but the vein stands true. We’ll see. As much as any parent can wish for. Teach em a principle or two, and see how they do with it.
I got good kids. I hope you feel the same way as I do. Teach em what your blood has shown you, and what you think is right. Beyond that, push em out to sea and see what happens. Apples don’t fall far from the tree. Beautiful thing 🙂
I love this song, love this band. Listened to it so much when it came out, my little daughter in her car seat would sing a long. The Mighty Mighty Bosstones will always be a favorite.
I’d like to wax philosophical, but first I’m gonna dump the day. Was a good monday.
Left for work at 3:30 so I could go do some server work. I’d slept on my arm, so when my phone alarm went off I was pushing dead fingers into a touch tone phone. I’m glad my wife was asleep, because I looked like a retard. Hell, I felt like a retard. I’m sure I was drooling too. Gonna find a simpler alarm app for my phone methinks, or I need to sleep on my back or something 🙂
Hit the highway and hit a deer by the lake. In the saturn. I think the saturn looks pretty good still, but that deer is fucked up. Bumped him 10 feet. I live in heber, I’m sure they’ll be more.
Hit work at 4:15. Backed some stuff up, so I could take down the servers. Good precaution. Experience tells me thats the right call. Hey iomega zip drive in 1995? Fuck you, and yet… thank you. Because of bitches like you, I know that backup before you fart or sneeze.
So I ran downstairs to the shop, hit what I thought was the alarm code, and went on my way. When the cops showed up with hands on guns, I knew I’d gotten it wrong. Cops have no sense of humor. maybe they have to be like that, but can’t they tell a tattoo’d bald guy is good people? Maybe my sense of quality people is skewed to most people is flawed by the standards of normal society, but they should read this fucking blog, because society is way off. I gotta think if you’re reading this, The trust distance in my head between you and my wallet or kids is shorter than the phony fuck. The cops believed me (thanks Jenn).
Then I called the IRS. Got some letters, they seemed serious so mrs zip and I called em. Funny how my name wasn’t on those checks ever, yet I’m the only man in the lot who has a plan or a location. We’ll do what we have to do there. My business partner I couldn’t have less respect for. I think he likes being a coward, only he calls it a different name. Funny, they don’t know where he is. I’ll shoulder this too. For all I am, im straight up. I’m proud of that again.
a few shorts:
Lasted 3 days without facebook. You know how dogs sometimes throw up and then eat their own vomit? Yeah, its kinda like that. Goddamn facebook.
Wait, theres no more shorts.
Think this day needs a video break. click it, if you wanna.
I used to have a bike. This song made the mixes, on almost any ride. Saw these guys live.
I can’t ride it anyway, but I miss the bike. I got a few months to muster some money. Found a few roads that a saturn can’t appreciate, but my bike will when I get it.
Change is gonna happen, its as constant as the sun coming up.
I love being 40, uh, whatever the hell age I am. I’ve honestly forgot. 43 or 44, fuck if I care to pay attention lol.
But I am enjoying this time in life. Starting to feel a creak in my knees, and this cold weather makes me stand up a bit slower, but its nice to have some balance. Where you can see bullshit; where you can decide to ignore some of it, store a little, and use a little as fuel. 40 something is kick ass.
I’ve also started to appreciate some things. My kids. Starting to realize how fast they grow up, and that a few things here will mean big things there, and to their kids when I’m a grandpa.
I’m enjoying the seasons. Enjoying driving down the canyon and the world looks a little different than it did yesterday (and it does here). Enjoying the fact that it was cold today, but the sky was a color that you can really only feel, and you can’t separate what your eyes are showing you, from what your senses are telling you.
Fuck me, I’m becoming my old man.
Even this economy. Its slowed everyone down, and the thoughful are thinking. I watch the youth that have the time because they’re too short sighted and spoiled to get a job sleeping in parks and holding up signs. I can’t go all republican or democrat on that, because maybe thats a tool we can use later on. Forgive the metaphor: but if the world is playing chess, you gotta have a pawns on the board. Sometimes the board will get the king (most times it takes a couple), but it happens. I feel like I’m old enough to sit back on watch, and watch a little CNN in the meatime, from the comfort of the couch I paid cash for, from my motherfucking job :). Lets see what happens there. All I know, is that its the people that go to work that are going to bail them out again, no matter what happens.