
I was raised by wolves. Very kind, very nurturing wolves. I love riding to a town a just barely learned the name of on a Friday, making a decision at the intersection to get myself lost 1000 miles away from home on a Saturday, and trying to figure out how the hell I can get home on a Sunday. Just ride a place and see a thing.

Doobie Brothers: Listen to the Music

Dont you feel it growin, day by day
People gettin ready for the news
Some are happy, some are sad
Oh, we got to let the music play
What the people need
Is a way to make em smile
It aint so hard to do if you know how
Gotta get a message
Get it on through
Oh now mama, dont you ask me why

Oh, oh, listen to the music
Oh, oh, listen to the music
Oh, oh, listen to the music
All the time

Well I know, you know better
Everything I say
Meet me in the country for a day
Well be happy
And well dance
Oh, were gonna dance our blues away
And if Im feelin good to you
And youre feelin good to me
There aint nothin we cant do or say
Feelin good, feeling fine
Oh, baby, let the music play

Oh, oh, listen to the music
Oh, oh, listen to the music
Oh, oh, listen to the music
All the time

Like a lazy flowing river
Surrounding castles in the sky
And the crowd is growing bigger
Listnin for the happy sounds
And I got to let them fly

Oh, oh, listen to the music
Oh, oh, listen to the music
Oh, oh, listen to the music
All the time

Doobie Brothers: Listen to the Music Read More »

Monument Valley, 4 corners and Route 66 with Wendy

My father was a busy man, and I’ll always remember the time he took time out to go one on one with me and took me to yellowstone.   We shot from the hip, slept in the truck and  It’s a memory I’ll always remember.   Not because it was the best trip I’ve ever done, or even that it was yellowstone.   It’s because my old man chose me to spend his weekend with.   I’ll always remember that.   I was about 13, and it was a pretty special trip for me.

My daughter wendy has struggled a bit since she moved from her old school to her new.   She’s a fighter, and she may never know how proud I am of her, but I am.    I called her wednesday from work and asked her if she was up for a motorcycle adventure.    her answer was yes.

So friday at noon we headed out East.   My loose plan was to hit page, then either stay in Kayenta Arizona, or somewhere outside monument valley at dusk.   To be honest, Just like 35 years earlier with my dad, we were shooting from the hip.  I hadn’t booked a thing.  Thats how I like to ride, lets see what wendy thinks about that.   My gut feeling was she’d roll with the punches.

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We stopped in page to get some stuff we’d forgotten and stopped at the subway to eat.   Immediately inside, a lady saw my B.A.C.A. patch and told me how much  B.A.C.A. had helped her kid in idaho.   She was nearly in tears and you could see how grateful she was.    I told her that once a B.A.C.A. Kid, always a B.A.C.A. kid and she’s got an army of bikers across the nation committed to keeping her safe.   It’s nice to be able to say that and mean it.

After page, we had to stop for an accident on the way out of town, then headed toward Kayenta Arizona.   From there, we pressed on to Kayenta arizona to stay the night.   My thinking was, that wendy is 13 years old, and I didn’t want to burn her out on long rides by pushing too hard.     I can make miles, but after all, she is young.    I had to keep reminding myself, and being on a bike for 8-10 hours at a time my be my idea of fun, but this trip was for her as well.    By the time we got to Kayenta, she was a bit cold, a bit tired and wanted to crash.   we called robyn to see if we could find a place to pitch a tent or get a room, but there were no real options.   I told wendy we’d have to push another 50 miles to Bluff Utah, where I had called ahead and knew we could stay, and her answer was “lets just do it”.   I knew then, wendy was my riding buddy.    She had a bit of her old man in her.

We hit monument valley right as the sun was going down, and it was gorgeous for the few views we had of it.   She was cold, but we dropped 1500 feet in elevation and in 50 miles, we hit Bluff Utah, pitched our tent in the dark, and went and ate ribs at the local stakehouse.

My intent on this trip was to talk, and relate to my daughter.   Reconnect.   I don’t really remember what it’s like to be 13 years old, but I know she struggles with the things that are important to a 13 year old.  Boys, school, and wondering where you fit in.   We didn’t talk too much in depth, but I knew tonight was not our night.    We went back to the tent where my daughter immediately crashed out, and I made some phone calls to my business partner, a few BACA friends and caught up on what happened at work.      What happened during the day both encouraged and discouraged me:   I knew that I was going back to work monday to face problems.    I knew this was going to effect my ride.    I was also clear on what my objective was this trip:  Ride my bike, and connect with wendy and help her out.

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We woke up early that morning and I knew it was cold.   Cold that I would normally deal with, but I had my daughter with me.   We got going around 10, broke camp and got some conveneince store breakfasts in Bluff.      We had 50 miles to get to 4 corners.     I’d never been there, but 50 miles is an easy ride.

4 corners to me, was anti climactic.  First off, its not that actual 4 corners, its 3 miles off. Second, It kind of pissed me off that I had to pay 3 bucks a head to see it. It was cold and windy, and not all that cool. Yes, wendy and I can say that we’ve stood in 4 states at the same time, but then again who really cares that we can say that.

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we paid our 6 bucks at 4 corners, and headed on toward gallup new mexico.     New mexico is gorgeous and I want to explore it more.    We got gas in gallup, and headed south.  I knew we’d stay the night in holbrook by this point.   We could press on to flagstaff, but the weather in Holbrook was the best and I wanted to have some discussion time with wendy.     Sunday, I knew we’d make miles and head home.   I wanted some quality time with my daughter.   It’s half the reason we made this trip.   My mindset from 4 corners to holbrook was anything but right.  I knew I was going back to work monday with a lot of problems that had to be solved, that   depended on me.    I struggled to get my mind right and into the ride.  The 90 miles from 4 corners to Gallup New Mexico had me struggling with indecision of if I was doing the right thing by riding so far from home, and what I had to get done monday.     Long rides sort that out.    Eventually, I got back into the moment and realized that anything I do with my daughter and family is much more important and worthwhile and that I needed to focus on her.     By the time we hit Gallup, I was looking forward to having some quality time with my daughter.   I was 24 hours into the ride.  I knew it had to be tonight.

We stopped at Denny’s, got our bearings and I knew we’d hit the point where the bike was going to be pointing closer to home.    I also know theres something really familiar about route 66 that I’ve always loved.   Maybe wendy would pick up on my vibe and I could share that with her.

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We pulled into holbrook around 4 pm, and pitched our tent at the KOA.     I decided I was going to show wendy some route 66, and she was excited about that.   We had ice cream at a local route 66 food spot, and rode through the town.   As we headed back toward the KOA, I was thinking that maybe a campfire and a discussion would be a perfect chance to talk with Wendy and we could have a moment that would nail the reason I took her on this trip.     We bought some firewood, and sat and talked for a couple hours.     Honestly, it will be  moment I’ll always remember.   I hope she remembers it.   I babbled about her future, remembered what it’s like to be 13, and as long as it takes to burn a bundle of wood, we got that much closer.   She’s a great kid.  I’m so proud of her.   In those 2 hours, I think she got that message in a way that 25 years earlier my father maybe even didn’t get across to me.     I knew I’d nailed the moment.

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The next morning, we woke up early, broke camp and headed toward home.   As the sun came up, the eagles “tequila sunrise” was in my head, and so I queued that up in the ipod and listened to the eagles as we headed toward flagstaff.     We got off at winona, headed into flag, got some hot chocolate and coffee and both talked about how good the morning ride was, even tho it wasn’t all that warm.

I find it funny how “vibes” for lack of a better term, work. I woke up in a great mood, with the right music and the first thing wendy said when we piled off the bike in flagstaff was how much she enjoyed listening to the Eagles greatest hits. It was the right vibe. I think about that alot to be honest.

From flag we dropped off the mountain, and headed the 5 hours toward home.   If wendy had her way, we’d have ridden another week.   She’s my riding buddy and long rides and big mileage isn’t too big for her.    We’ll do this again.   Hopefully for years to come.

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948 Miles,   4 States, 2 1/2 Days.

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Monument Valley, 4 corners and Route 66 with Wendy Read More »

Riding Route 66

Parenting is a bitch sometimes.   My 2nd oldest daughter has been going through some rough times the last few weeks with moving into a new house, and going to a new school.    It’s hard to tell her in so many ways that this is life, and you’ll come through it and become a better person for it if you hang tough.     Last night, i Ran out of answers.

This morning I realized that I could change her mindset maybe by taking her riding and seeing some new places.    She’s 13, and such a good kid.   A fighter.   She’s overcome some problems she’s had by hanging tough, but it’s a battle for her.   She’ll never know how truly proud I am of her.   She’s a lot like her old man:  No real natural ability, but determination and vision will lead a person through tough times.   Only fighters learn that.   I know lots of people with natural ability who end up slugs.   She’s got what it takes.   She will end up where she wants to be eventually.

So I’m going to take her riding.    If my plan works, we’ll hit monument valley by dusk and camp just outside.   Then saturday morning we’ll head to 4 corners, Gallup New Mexico and spend the day riding route 66, my favorite place on earth.   Sunday we’ll either wake up in flagstaff, seligman or kingman, and ride home.   Hell, maybe needles or barstow depending how she feels.
I hope it helps. she’s excited to go, and I’m excited to take her.    At the very least, I hope its a memory she’ll always remember.

Riding Route 66 Read More »

It’s changed

That’s just how life is.   I’m certainly no expert on life, but things have changed.   At this stage in life, whatever this stage is, at least I recognize it.   It is what it is.

Riding has changed.

I’ve ridden for 20 years.   I’ve ridden because I’ve absolutely NEEDED to to keep my sanity.  It’s the only peace in the world at times.   Theres been times in the past that it’s the only way to untangle the bullshit and the mess.

I’ve found the mess is still there pretty much, but I don’t NEED riding to untangle it.    After the last 2 years, I’ve found that I’m alot tougher than I used to be.   Sometimes I feel that nothing can effect me anymore negatively.

But I still love to ride.   This isnt like the phase when I wanted to lose weight, or get a house, or get married.

Riding is more important to me than all of that.     There’s very few things that have lasted in my life, but the open road, the wind in my face and quite honestly my wife and family are the only things that have endured.

But, its different now.

So fuck philophy.   Im excited for the BACA patch party for nevada this weekend with my wife;

Mesquite Rally 2009You should come out.   These are the only real guys in nevada committed to keeping the kids of nevada safe from child abuse safe.

It’s changed Read More »

Bikers. Respect.

I love in a small town.  I am in a business that is surrounded by people who don’t understand respect.

I used to laugh at that word, but to be honest respect is the difference.   All I have is respect.

I have a hard time abiding people who don’t understand or show it.     You don’t fuck another man’s wife.   You don’t talk shit about another mans wife.      You don’t touch another man’s colors.   You don’t disrespect another person unless you’re ready to fight them.   You don’t abuse kids.   You don’t talk shit about things you know nothing about.   You don’t touch or sit on another man’s bike.   Call it anything you want, maybe it’s just being polite or at least shutting your mouth.   I find myself wanting to associate more and more with people who have it.     I don’t have a whole lot of real friends, but the friends I call friends have it.    My BACA brothers have it.   My wife has it in droves.    My business partner has it to an extreme.    My brother has it.   Those are my friends.    It’s more than enough.  It’s all I want.

If I have to explain it, you don’t understand.

On another note, vegas bike week is coming up.    Looking foward to seeing my brother and doing me some riding.    The morning air is cold and I haven’t done enough of that this year.

I need to wake up on the side of the road next to my bike somewhere, and soon.

Bikers. Respect. Read More »

Lets fire this up again.

I haven’t posted here forever it seems.   I haven’t had a worthwhile ride forever it seems.   I ride every day, but a poker run here and there and to work doesn’t count.   I need to get on the road.

Let me catch up the last few months.    A lot has changed.

  • After struggling for the last 18 months, we finally have turned this pig around.    The pig meaning the business.   Things are looking way good.  It hasn’t translated into profit yet, but im very confident that it will.   It’s going to be good.
  • I lost 35 pounds.   I feel great.    You don’t even know.   I’m going to start weightlifting again and lost 20 more and ill be lean and mean again.
  • I sold my house and moved into a bigger rental that my wife and family and myself love.   Much bigger, and 3 car garage.      HELL YES.  3 CAR GARAGE.    what that means is, the wifes truck, and a whole garage for me and my bike and tools.
  • Got 2 more tattoos.    Here ya go:

Got this one a few weeks ago:

Skull Tattoo on Forearm
Skull Tattoo on Forearm

Then yesterday got some lines started on some wrist tats.   Probably get it colored in once it’s healed in the next few weeks.

Flame Tattootat2tat3

B.A.C.A. is going great.   with merging 3 offices into one and wiring the new office, moving, and moving out of a house I’ve lived in for 15 years and into a new one has been brutal, I haven’t had a lot of time to devote to it.   thats about to change.

Also, after a year of bearing the name “pinky” (given to me as a joke for having my wifes pink phone on me), I can’t stomach the fucking thing any more.   I am refusing to go by it.   May just go as Zip.     It’s been my nickname since I was a kid.

Vegas bike week in 2 weeks.

Lets fire this up again. Read More »

BACA Patched.

Lotsa shit going on. No major travels for a few months. I’m not that happy about that, but business and BACA has kept me pretty busy and quite honestly haven’t had a ton of time to set out and explore.

The biggest thing is after a background check, a year of riding with BACA and a unanimous vote I got my patch wednesday.

Officially a Member of the St. George Chapter of Bikers Against Child Abuse
Officially a Member of the St. George Chapter of Bikers Against Child Abuse

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