Be Safe out There!
Be Safe out There! Read More »
It’s been a helluva good few weeks. It’s warm, the bike has been ridden around town like a raped ape, the Pittsburgh Penguins have won Lord Stanleys Cup, and I’ve been busier than hell. Its been way nice.
We had a hog roast last weekend for B.A.C.A. up in Heber. I’ve done it the last few years. Poker run, and a good time.
It’s time to ride somewhere and see a thing. I don’t know the north end of this area like I do the south, and it’s time to scout the perimeter. I’ve promised my youngest daughter Bri a good few days riding on the bike, and we’re doing that next weekend. I figured we’d head up to see Golden Spike National Monument, Ride up through the snake river in Idaho, and mozy our way back through Nevada and see if we can see a thing. I promised her when she turned 12 we’d do a multi-day ride, and because of the Easy Rider Tour last year I couldn’t do it. I need to keep my promise, and she seems eager to go and have a few days with Dad. We’ll have a good time. Something I hope she’ll remember. Do some tent camping, swap some stories and I think there’s even a hotel on the route to hang out in the pool and watch her be a kid. I’m pretty geeked up about it.
Trying to stay off the freeway… so the trick is to figure out a route on the way back that I can get gas in Nevada along a pretty long stretch. I’m figuring out the map. I’ll take an extra bungee and a buy a gallon gas can en route if need be. Hopefully we can make a memory.
I had an adventure to yellowstone with my Dad about her age. I remember sleeping in a 77′ Blazer, living off the road and hearing stories that I wish I could now remember all of. It made an impression. That’s the goal. She’s a good kid.
Hell yes. More to come!
In a dark Scottish loch….
The Police – Synchronicity II (1983) from MTV The First Wave 1981 -1983 on Vimeo.
May we remember those who had lives and dreams, and gave so we could do the same. Much respect…
And, for something a little on the lighter side:
Happy Memorial Day Weekend Read More »
Next level drone footage and editing. These guys are killer pilots. I’m just trying to figure out how they did all this… Wow.
A HELLUVA game 7. When you need 4 wins to take a series, the best team usually wins. This time, we were. We got the prince of Wales trophy; 4 more wins and we can hoist Lord Stanleys cup.
This team is deep, and scoring is coming from everywhere. Its been a blast to watch. Mrs Zip is out of her mind stoked about it. I got her into the penguins, but by all accounts she’s a bigger fan than me.
Can’t wait! Game one is in the Burgh on monday.
Penguins advance to the Stanley Cup Finals Read More »
First lazy Saturday I’ve had for a while. I’m doing nothing today, and its wonderful. *cough*, sorry… its fucking wonderful.
Tomorrow we fire up the smoker!
Hard to beat…
I’m a sucker for a good road trip, a desert, and the offspring.
I posted this about a year ago, but it bears repeating. I think I love these gals.
Hot Chicks Playing Led Zeppelin Read More »
I gotta admit, this sorta made me smile. Friggin’ bicyclists….
We have a ride about 30 minutes from my house called the Alpine loop. Its a one lane, twisty road that goes over the top of a mountain. Gorgeous scenery. Its one of those roads where everyone plays nice and works through the blind spots and the fact that there’s only one late with not a lot of places to pass. Its always full of cyclists.
One time I was a few miles away from the peak and a particularly arrogant yuppie cyclist wouldn’t let me pass. I Know he heard me, and I even barked at him a couple of times, shouting for him to “share the road”. nope, He wanted the whole road. No big deal, I putted the 15 mph while he weaved back and forth hogging the whole road. This guy had spent probably more than an hour peddling uphill to get to the point he could coast down on the other side. I edged him at the top and passed him (my 800 pound bike forced the issue), and then I got in front of him and made him go 15 mph all the way down the mountain. I could hear him swearing at me. Too bad he couldn’t see my huge smile from the back of my head.
pffft…. Bicyclists.
Bicycles…. pffft…. Read More »