Its 2016. Push the shit aside, and do what you gotta do. You know the shit you gotta push aside.
Its 2016. Push the shit aside, and do what you gotta do. You know the shit you gotta push aside.
Shopping is done, the Steelers are getting hot and staring down the barrel of a playoff run, Star Wars is here in a few days. Yeah, I can’t wait. Life, it seems is pretty good.
I love this time of year.
It seems the older I get, the better it gets. This is where life starts to pay off I gotta think. I’m in a good position where I still have a 12 year old I still need to guide, and starting to enjoy the older kids becoming adults. It’s a nice transition from being a parent, to learning a thing from kids who are becoming (and become) and adult. They’re starting to teach me. That, is seriously cool.
These are good times.
Its good being a 12 year old 48 year old.
Looking forward to Christmas Read More »
up at 5. I don’t know why. My heart is full of the reverend Horton Heat.
Its a good sign. A good day is ahead. Steelers play today. I’m a king, I tell ya.
Sunday Morning, Coming down. Read More »
It’s pretty early in the morning, and Im up. Thinking about the day ahead.
I remember when the first Star Wars came out. My dad took me.
Watergate and the Vietnam war was behind us, and the nation was looking for something. The pulse of America was that we’d lost…. something.
I see it now. people are looking for something. Maybe a good vs. Evil thing. I don’t know.
It’s just Star Wars. But its selling out theaters, even before its released.
I see it at work; Millennials are looking for something. You can only sit and judge something on Facebook for so long. They live in a world where they haven’t had to had to push anything uphill.
History, will repeat itself.
America, will pull Through.
Hope it not lost today it is found. Read More »
Watched a Glen Campbell documentary this weekend on Netflix.
Great song, from a guy who was a killer session guitarist, a beach boy at one time, and a consummate songwriter in a rite all of his own. Its been in my head all day.
Its a friday. Ever been royally pissed off because someone else was stupid? yeah, i’m there.
Stupid is such a relative term. People vary in stupidity. On this level, I gotta think this guy is stupid level 5. I’ve seen way stupider, and yet I’m pissed off level 10.
This won’t last long. Hell, typing this out has dropped it to level 9 or maybe 8.
one sec….
Yeah, its at a 4 now.
Fucking idiot.
Thanks for bearing with me.
My old friend, my blog. Read More »
Great song, great message. That is, if you know who this band is made up of, where they’ve been. We’ve all experienced something. Ever been to the end of the line?
Going to the End of the LIne Read More »