Pat and I trailered the bikes to Phoenix. It was just too irresistible. Snow in St George, 80 Degrees in Phoenix. He got to St George Thursday night, and we got the trailer ready to pull all three bikes down to Phoenix the next morning.
Going to Phoenix tomorrow to do some riding for the first time in months. I’m stoked. Hopefully pat gets here tonight and we can head out at 0′ Dark Thirty and get on the road.
Changed the oil in my bike last night and I’m ready to roll
This is my garage tonight. Looks pretty damn good to me
I really had a good christmas this year. My kids all got what they wanted, and so did Mr’s Zip. I think overall it was one of the better Christmases we’ve had here.
What’d I get? Why, I got the coolest geek tool a man could ever want: I got an Iphone. I was originally asking for a blackberry storm, but reading all the reviews on it I lobbied to get an Iphone, and I’m really happy with it. I also got a great big thermos for my bike, a harley shirt, some DVD’s about WWII, and other stuff.
My business partner and good buddy clint came over christmas eve with his daughter, and we hung out till 1:30 AM. somewhere around 2 AM we were all in the living room opening presents. A first for us at that hour. Will that stick as a tradition? I have no clue. I doubt it. If clint hadn’t been there, I’d have been fast asleep (but not having near as much fun). I think our family traditions are that anything can happen at any time.
The kids all seemed really happy with what they got. That made me happy. Robyn as usual did her homework, and santa Rallied as well. We even had the first white christmas that I can remember in the desert. Snowed all night, and even a bit the next day. It was near perfect.
The next day we loaded up the dodge and headed up north to see Robyn’s folks in northern Utah.
As usual, robyn went shopping with her mom, and Ricky and I drove through the frozen tundra to quite possibly the coolest place I’ve ever seen in northern utah: The shooting star saloon.
Shooting Star Saloon, Huntsville Utah
Built in 1879, it’s one of the oldest continually running saloons west of the Mississippi. According to the bartender there of 25 years, one of 3. She said it has continually served alcohol since that date, even through prohibition. Its an awesome place. The bars and counter are supposedly original, and when we showed up Johnny Cash was playing on the jukebox. They even serve Guinness. Whats not to love? We had a couple beers, a burger and the conversation was good. I’ve known Robyns Dad for 19 years now, and I’ll always remember this trip. My father-in-law and I, I think are more alike than not, and I enjoy his point of view and he’s the kind of guy that everyone likes. The shooting star is a place that I’ll always remember and want to go back to. It’s just an original. I need to take Robyn there. It even has a stuffed st Bernard hanging on the wall. If those walls could talk…
Later that night Robyns’ brothers and their wives all came over, we had dinner and opened presents. All in all, a great night. Another year older and hopefully wiser. I like robyns Family alot.
Sunday afternoon, we headed through morgan and onto my moms house to give her presents and wish her a happy christmas and new year. We got her a digital camera. I think she really liked it. Once she gets used to it, she’ll really love it I think. My mom is a creature of habit, and has used a polaroid ever since I can remember.
After that, we headed down provo canyon and up to Pat and Staci’s house. My kids were excited to hang with their cousins, which was a thrill for me since, on my side of the family, that rarely happens. Quite honestly outside of my brother pat, they hardly know their cousins.
Best Christmas Present Ever
Pat Gave me a present that I’ll ALWAYS remember. We’ve ridden all summer, and it’s changed how I ride, and gave me something that outside simple geneology I’ve never had: A brother. From early spring to late fall we’ve done a lot of riding in 2008. We’ve laughed, ridden, argued, and gotten to know each other, and quite frankly he is my finest friend. He is my blood, my brother and made me feel for maybe the first time In my 40 years on this earth outside of my wife and kids that I am not alone. We think alot alike and enjoy the same passions for Harleys, travel and family. Within 5 minutes of walking in the door he gave me a custom labeled bottle of Scotch that reads:
ALAN and PAT DUNN 2008
“Eagles Don’t Flock”
Because we “Color Outside
of the Lines” and share
the Passion of the Open Road.
Don’t Think…..Just RIDE!”
I’ll never drink that bottle of Scotch. I’ll hand that down to my kids. I’m getting misty thinking about it now. It means alot to me. Very thoughtful gift. We’ll ride again hard in 2009, and next year I’ll do the same for him.
We left Pat’s house in Draper this morning and went and visted my 96 year old Grandma. She is a wonder. I would put her spirit up against anyone a third her age. Grandma Tregeagle is every bit a pillar to my family as my father was, maybe moreso.
Grandma T and my Girls
Her gait is strong, her fingers are ungnarled and her conversation is incessant. Everyone tells me she is slowing down, and to be perfectly honest, I just don’t see it. I need to take her for a ride on my bike. I love my grandma Tregeagle. I hope some of who she is is passed down to my girls. I am lucky to be of her stock. Ethel B Tregeagle is a monument to living in the moment with an eye to tomorrow. Having a heartful of principles and common sense has made her live as long as she has, I believe.
One of the interesting things that she told me, and she beams as she tells it, is the story of how she knows who she is now. Her father took a steamship in the 1880’s to the U.S. from England, then somewhere along the way changed his name to Belmont. My Grandma has always loved geneology as long as I have known her, and her family line on her fathers side ended with her fathers name change. Her whole life she has searched to fill that gap. With the internet and close friends, she finally found the ships log that her father crossed the atlantic with, and pieced together her lineage and her fathers real last name: Patch. He eyes shined as she told me and my wife: ” I am a Patch”, then continued on in the way that she does about her family, as I raced to keep up and follow her story. As I get older, the importance of who we are, where we come from becomes more and more important to me. Now, after all these years, my Grandma Tregeagle knows even more who she is: She is a Patch. She is a helluva woman.
I’m home now, back to where the snow has melted and where I can hopefully ride my bike to work tomorrow. All in All, I had a Christmas I’ll always remember. Good God, I’m getting old. The Things that are most important in life are becoming more and more important. It just keeps getting better.
So I got the coolest geek present ever—–a 16 gig iPhone. This is my first post from it, from my inlaws living room. Still getting used to the keyboard, but it’s getting easier.
Had a good Christmas. So did my family. Heading to my brothers house in a half hour to hang out, then home tomorrow to go back home and get back to work
Wendy and Megan at Kirt’s in Ogden. Being silly, as usual.
Today I woke up, broomed the snow off my truck and went to work in the snow. It was awesome. I busted ass till noon, went to lunch with Erik, and low and behold as we sometimes do — we ended up at Rix and I got 2nd tat in as many days
After 33 years, I Think I've earned the right
I became a Pittsburgh Steeler fan on January 18, 1976.
That’s when I watched my very first super bowl. I watched with my father, who seemed to have an aversion to the east coast. He was a dallas cowboy fan that day, and as my father often did, he sold me on the virtues of his way of thinking. My father was interesting. He respected a man who stood on his own two feet, but if you had any doubts or waivered, he was there to shoulder that burden for you. Even at a young age I was aware of this.
That January day the Dallas Cowboys who we’re playing the Pittsburgh Steelers. I had no idea what was going on. Black and Gold seemed to have a nice contrasting color, and I had no idea what the west coast really was. I was just spending time with my old man. Life was good. I was 9 years old.
As I watched the game, as 9 year olds would do, I was forming an opinion on what was going on and who *I* was rooting for. I wanted to steer my own ship. I was listening to my father and I knew I was being sold a bill of goods. My father loves underlings. He loves having an ally. My father was a natural captain, and it was always clearly his ship. No one ever disputed that my father had what it took to be captain. On the other hand, Just like My Dad, I was naturally resistant to Captains.
And then it happened. It was a boring game, but the moment happened that would change my life. The game was boring as games go to a 9 year old boy. I remember some small guy tried to kick the football through the goal posts, and missed. One of the dallas guys patted the steeler guy who missed the field goal on the helmet, and a thin, skinny, white INSANE guy ran across the field, threw the Dallas guy to the ground and just…. flipped out. Apparantly the crazy Guy in black didn’t like the dipshit with the star on this helmet touching the guy who kicks balls through the giant “Y”. Another nuance that I’ve yet to see in sports outside of hockey. The referee wanted to throw him out of the game, but he ended up staying. This was getting good now.
The crazy white guy with missing teeth got mad, and took over. No one could block him. I swear to God, no one could block him! He stood behind everyone, pumping his legs up and down waiting for the plays to start, then rushed in and destroyed anyone with a star on their helmet. My dad was wrong! The guys in black are the good guys! “Did you not see the skinny guy destroy that Dallas guy dad? ” “I know everyone East of the Mississippi is a Liberal Pinko, but Dad….are you watching this guy? ” My father seemed miffed. It kept happening. Skinny guy with no teeth wins again! A feeling came over me. It was half a rebellion against my father for obviously trying to sell me, and half this crazy, sweaty toothed linebacker. I just know that right then and there, at that very moment — I became a Pittsburgh Steeler fan. I still remember it.
The steelers went on to win their 2nd super bowl in a row that day. The maniac’s name who sold me was Jack Lambert. He went on to lead the Steelers to two more super bowls, and I watched both of em. I’m not being dramatic when I say Jack Lambert changed my life. I’ve been a steeler fan ever since, and its extended into a love affair with the city of Pittsburgh, the Pittsburgh Penguins and someday I may even enjoy an occaisonal baseball game, if the Pittsburgh Pirates ever manage to win a game or two.
For 20 years I followed the Steelers through 3 of the 4 super bowls they won in the seventies. Then onto the 80s when they couldnt really win anything, to the day they hired Bill Cowher the year I got married and started winning again. Then finally to the day I sat and watched the Steelers win the superbowl with MY kids. I’m 41 years old, and I will be Steeler fan for life. There is no other team.
My 14 year old daughter is a true blue, died in the wool Steeler fan too. She has watched EVERY single game with me for the last 4 years, from playoff disappointments to Super bowl glory. Megan, straight up, is my hero and my best football buddy. Every sunday you will find us on the couch, with our Jerseys on, clutching footballs and waving terrible towells. It is quite possibly the finest moment in my life, and perhaps my pinnacle of fatherhood. She asked me for a ben Roethlisberger jersey for christmas the same year that she gave me an official NFL football that we still pass back and forth on sunday. This Tattoo is for her. She told me to get it.
This post is a tribute to my father, who directly and indirectly inspired me in so many ways. For that day he called me in to watch the superbowl with me, and making me look foward to the day I can share that with my kids. My family are all Steeler fans. Sundays are our day.
Here is a little summary of the guy that started it all. I present to you, Mister Jack Freakin’ Lambert:
I have a few photos hanging on the wall of my office, but my 2 favorites are General George Patton, and my autographed picture of Jack Lambert.
“If I could start my life all over again, I would be a professional football player, and you damn well better believe I would be a Pittsburgh Steeler! . – Jack Lambert, Hall of Fame induction
Historically, December 25th was a day of pagan ritual when the sun hung lowest in the sky and at its highest point appeared to hang in the same spot for 3 days and the rotation of the solar system and our place in it was at the right distance and location to pull it off.
So I got a new tattoo. That doesn’t have anything to do with anything. I just felt like throwing that in. Christmas is a week away. Still, more random thoughts. That’s how I roll.
New Tattoo
Oh, and it snowed again today. They closed the schools, and my kids are 3 shades of excited about that. I wished I could have a snow day, but that’s not going to happen, unless it hits 3 feet deep. I doubt if st george actually DOES have snow plows, Santa Clara has none and I’d be forced to bunker down till help arrives. Maybe I’ll just not look outside and pretend that happens and work on my laptop. I’m the boss, I can do that right? haha, yeah… right.
Its been in the 30s in the morning, and I’ve pussed out and been taking my truck to work. It makes me angry. Tomorrow, I will report that I rode my bike to work. Afterall, look at this guy:
Yah, he’s on a trike, but I’m not driving in snow. Its cold thats the enemy here, not the roads. I’m starting to forget what it’s like to ride.
Penguins game tonight. Steelers won last week. Life is good. I’ve been kicking ass and taking names at work. It feels good. Im about to reorganize my company, like patton did when he showed up to take over the africa corps. I cant wait. I love the edge.
Its cold outside. Not cold enough to ride the 20 minutes to work, but cold enough that I’m not leaving at the break of dawn and heading to unknown or even known destinations at my whimsy like I like to. I could do it, but common sense tells me I’m leaving at 2 and in a motel by 6. That gets me to vegas, or maybe barstow at best. Its not touring weather.
It sucks. I really want to hit the open road. I’m trying to make the best of a cold situation, but I think my touring days are over unless I ship my bike to phoenix or Texas. Then I couln’t ride it to work and at least get my daily fix.
So I’ll prep for the spring. Hell, even EARLY spring, when its at least 60 degrees SOMEWHERE I can reach.
I’ll keep prepping. I don’t know how long I can do it without making a jump somewhere and getting myself in a freezing cold situation. I’m about to. I can only change my oil and fuck around locally so much. I want to ride.
Pat was down this weekend and I know he’s in the same boat I am in.
Winter riding, as long as theres no snow or rain is really actually kind of cool. Its a new dimension that Im starting to enjoy. ONe of the better things about riding is the smells. In the summer, you get fresh cut hay, smell the rainstorms and summer barbecues. Im starting to enjoy riding in the winter. Mostly because it brings back memories of our old wood, open fireplace when I was a kid. Alot of people in southern utah still must have em, because I can smell em in the morning. Its almost as good as a cup of coffee in the morning.
I traded Erik for a pair of winter gloves, gauntlet style for a pair of my favorite summer gloves. Im excited to ride to work in the morning with em and see how warm they keep my hands.