Random Thoughts

I think my life took a new direction today, at least confirmed the direction I was going.

I joined Bikers against Child Abuse a few months ago, and today was my first child Ride.  We met a bunch of families that the chapter has been working with, present them with a few things, and take them for a motorcycle ride.   Ive been as involved as I can the last few months, but today was pretty special.   I met alot of innocent kids who have been preyed on by predator fucks who’d id just as soon see die than live, and these kids were awesome.   I saw a bit of fear about life in some, but mostly saw the optimism and resiliency that only a kid can have.

I’ve worn alot of hats in my life, but BACA is the most noble thing ive ever done.   I’ve never felt so good about an act of service in my whole life, especially when I connect with these kids.   Im working with people who all feel the same way.   I hope they look back on the shitty hand that they’ve been dealt and remember how heartfelt our desire to help them and keep them safe were.   Its for real.  I’d take a bullet for these kids without thinking twice.   Theres not alot of innocence in the world, and its our job to protect the things in life that are.

I’m a biker, and I sincerely love these kids.


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damn winter.

Its getting cold.  I wen to a BACA event today and it was just damn cold.   For the first time in months, my truck is starting to look good.   Thats not good.

I started looking into getting heated gear.  Pants, socks, jacket liner.   That might do it.    I know I wont be able to go too long without riding, but riding to work isnt the same as touring.   Theres alot to see.

On a good note, my business is turning around.   If it keeps going at this rate, next summer I’ll be able to take a couple of weeks off and ride back east.   Right now, thats the only warm thought I have.

damn winter. Read More »

Vegas bike week is finally here

Pat rode down today, and at the end of a particularly great week, topped off by a really positive day having his hotel right around from the office with a bar across the street really topped it all off.   Tomorrow morning we’re heading down to vegas bike week.

I think I prefer glen fidditch over glen livet.   Its a bit stronger on the peat side, and my self imposed graft from celtic welsh to celtic scottish almost complete in my head, im going with more peat in my diet.   Peat makes the man.  If you drink enough, I find myself more apt to feel like a have a proper brogue-ish scott about me.   Pat would disagree, but I think my scotch of choice is fidditch.

Tomorrow morning we ride.   Ill take my laptop with me and try and grab some good pictures and report from the road.   This should be one for the books.

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Sunday Morning Coming Down

Its sunday morning, and sitting here in bed on my laptop watching easy rider and thinking I havent had a meaningful ride for a few weeks.    Ive ridden every day, but not really gone anywhere but around town.
Next week is bike week in vegas.   My brother will be down and we’ll hit that up, and that will count for one.   Theres a poker run and Im excited about seeing the vendors.

Sunday Morning Coming Down Read More »

Need to Ride…

I wished I could sum up why I ride.  I cant.   Today I think I got closer to why, and I think its one of the greatest things about riding:  Its the surprises.   I always seem to find an answer to a problem on a ride, or not seem to care about the problem itself, which is such a needed break from reality sometimes.   This last week ive been focused on work, what I need to do, and how I needed to improve my work.   Its been in my head all week, and I think I did that.   My head was full of everything but riding, even though I havent driven my truck for about 3 months.

Tonight was a BACA meeting in hurricane, so after work I jetted out on the freeway to go do my duty for BACA, and all of a sudden it happened:  The ride took over.   It did indeed surprise me, on a short 5 mile stretch of 1-15 where I could feel my bike’s horsepower loving stretching its legs.   the wind, the music, the feeling of seeing everything around me and being a part of it.   Its the surprise.    I love the suprise.   Im addicted yet again.

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Johnny Cash – The Man in Black

Look at this.   this is a man who truly did walk the line.   any man would be so lucky to be remembered as he was — the man in black:


I listen to alot of johnny cash when I ride.  His music really resonates with me, especially on the bike.   Like him, I am a misfit – an outisder, and theres room in this world for outsiders, because many of you are outsiders too.   I am not always positive, sometimes the world doesnt warrant that.  Sometimes  a spade is a spade, and thank god for men like johnny cash who saw it that way.   Im a big fan.

Im 41 years old, and Ive seen my share of hard times in this world.  Its not all celestial, sometimes its downright hell.    The hell times have formed me, the celestial is what I shoot for.    Its nice not to walk alone, and for those who feel they walk alone:  Open up your heart, because theres something out there for you my friend.   The world awaits, its a great big place… and there is something out there for everyone.    Sometimes all you need to do is flip the coin of your perspective, and a whole new experience is out there for you.  I know, because everytime I flip that coin, the world looks and feels different.  Im getting used to flipping it.    Im glad its there.
RIDE ON!  Walk the line….

Heres another one, from the movie Walk the Line:


Life is short.   This was johnny when he was young, he hadnt much slowed down and was at his peak of experience and energy.   Experience in life comes at a great cost, and later he realized that cost as we all will.    Look at a man who was with the one he loved, still vibrant in his life and had full faculty.   He lived another 33 years past this, but he would never have this moment again.    today really is the most valuable thing you hold.

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