Kevins funeral was yesterday. It started around 10 and the funeral and eulogies were great. Erik Officiated, and I gotta say did a great job from start to finish. Lots of funny stories and it made me and Robyn realize how short life is. Kevin had a lot of friends.
Anyway, took a few pictures and robyn made a movie on the back of my bike. Im not sure she even realized she made the movie, even so its on the back of a bike so its kinda rough:
The after funeral party was good, shot some pool, drank some beer. met a few people. Good evening.
This week i sold around 1500 bucks worth of stuff on ebay, so I ordered my tour pak. SHould be here in a month. I also got 2 saddlebag bars and bar bags.
Erik and I are going riding again sunday. Cedar mountainish stuff. should be good.