Exploring Yuma, Route 80 and Agua Caliente.
A few weeks ago, I rode down to Yuma and got a room in an older, mid century modern motel and just had a ride. I really blog about it much, or even take any pics but I did see a lot of things that made me want to go back and check out. And, of course, all I need is an excuse to ride somewhere.
Its been nice down here. Mid 50s to high 60s, and great riding weather. I woke up on Friday morning, loaded the bike with a few things and headed out toward Yuma, taking the longest possible route I could take.
A lot of this was old highway 80, which pretty much ran the lower length of the state. There’s still a lot of old ghosts along this section, and since it was decommissioned in 1989 there are still a lot of old buildings a long the way, and some side roads that have some bitchen old history.

The road was straight, the sky was clear and my bike was purring to be out. Fuck me, so was I. I’m not built to be home as much as I have the last year. To me, exploring is life. I don’t know why, but its in my DNA.

This whole part of Arizona and California holds a ton of WWII History. In 1941, almost 18,000 square miles of western Arizona and southern California was designated for military tank Training. My favorite general George S Patton was the commanding general in 1942 where he trained troops in desert warfare in preparation to free North Africa from the Germans. This place, reeks of killer history.

I got off Interstate 8, and headed north toward Camp Hyder and Camp Horn, to see what I could find.

A few miles past Camp Hyder, I found another bitchen old place: Agua Caliente (spanish for “hot water”)

I got excited. I found a great little spot to dive into the history of, maybe come home and tell a story about and do some research on this place.
Right after I took that last pic, I dropped my phone. That was the end of that.
I think I’m buying a digital camera. Like, one with a neck strap, and that I can grip with my fat little fingers, and not this slippery little thin smartphone. I seem to break a lot of em on my bike. I might even go back to a flip phone, and just use it for making calls. I was sorta pissed. Luckily, I was able to get my pics off.
Well, it pretty much ended things. But, another excuse to go back. Missus Zip is heading out of town next weekend and I might go back and document it.
Ride safe, ya biker pricks.
2 days, 1 State, 475 Miles
Exploring Yuma, Route 80 and Agua Caliente. Read More »