
I was raised by wolves. Very kind, very nurturing wolves. I love riding to a town a just barely learned the name of on a Friday, making a decision at the intersection to get myself lost 1000 miles away from home on a Saturday, and trying to figure out how the hell I can get home on a Sunday. Just ride a place and see a thing.

Muhammed Ali

I love this show. Muhammed Ali is a huge inspiration to me. Whether or not you believe in his views, he stood by his guns. he has my ultimate respect. If you get a chance, go buy “when we we’re kings”. Just buy it, don’t rent it. It’s awesome.

In every heart, there is a drum that beats
Steady and strong, it does not know defeat
I feel it pound, and know the sound Of true beliefs
In every soul, there is a memory
Of standing tall, the proudest we could be
I cannot fall, for I recall
We were born in majesty

And when the long fight, has been fought and won
We’ll stand in the sun

And we will raise out hands
And we will touch the sky
Together we will dance in robes of gold
And we will leave the world remembering
When we were kings, when we were kings

Now is the time, here is the mountain top
When one man climbs, the rest are lifted up
With every step we’re closer yet
To a higher destiny

And when we reach out to claim the throne
Every man will know


Do you remember
When we were kings
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee

And when the long fight, has been fought and won
We’ll stand in the sun

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Bikers Against Child Abuse – B.A.C.A.

One of my B.A.C.A. sisters in northern Utah sent me this the other day.    Really moving story about how B.A.C.A. helped her abused daughter.

I love my brothers who’ve taken the commitment to do whatever it takes….. and I mean whatever it takes, to keep abused kids safe.      They  refused to leave when the cops showed (the abusers Father was a cop and set that up), and B.A.C.A. didn’t budge.  They stood their ground, and a child stands strong because if it.    We help them get therapy, protect them when theyre scared, and empower them to move on.

Heres how baca works:

BACA Mission Statement
Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA) exists with the intent to create a safer environment for abused children. We exist as a body of Bikers to empower children to not feel afraid of the world in which they live. We stand ready to lend support to our wounded friends by involving them with an established, united organization. We work in conjunction with local and state officials who are already in place to protect children. We desire to send a clear message to all involved with the abused child that this child is part of our organization, and that we are prepared to lend our physical and emotional support to them by affiliation, and our physical presence. We stand at the ready to shield these children from further abuse. We do not condone the use of violence or physical force in any manner, however, if circumstances arise such that we are the only obstacle preventing a child from further abuse, we stand ready to be that obstacle.
How BACA Works
Bikers Against Child Abuse, Inc. (BACA) is organized with a central contact person to receive calls from referring agencies and individuals. A recognized, authorized agency with which the child has had contact determines that the child is still frightened by his or her environment. The agency representative contacts BACA, or refers the individual to contact BACA and the name and address of the child is given to our BACA/Child Liaison. The Liaison determines that the case is legitimate, meaning that the authorities have been contacted, and the case in being processed within the system. The Liaison contacts the family and an initial ride is organized to meet the child at their home or in some other location. The entire BACA chapter rides to meet the child and he/she is given a vest with a BACA patch sewn on the back. The child is free to wear the vest or not, and we support their decision. The child is also given bumper stickers, and other gifts that are generally donated by the public. These initial visits generally last about a half an hour.

Following this initial contact, the child is given the name and number of two BACA members residing geographically closest to them, who then become the childs primary contact person(s). Prior to becoming the primary contacts for the child, the bikers are cleared for participation by clearing an extensive background check, have ridden with the Chapter for at least a year, and have received special instructions from the Licensed Mental Health Professional. Anytime the child feels scared and feels the need for the presence of his new BACA family, the child may call upon these bikers to go to the childs house and provide the necessary reassurance to feel safe and protected. BACA members and supporters also support the children by: providing escorts for them if they feel scared in their neighborhoods; riding by their homes on a regular basis; supporting the children at court and parole hearings; attending their interviews, and; staying with the children if they are alone and frightened. The BACA members never go to the childs house alone and never without the knowledge or permission of the parents. Our mission is not to be permanently engaged as the childs power. Our mission is to help the children and their families learn how powerful they can be. Our presence will be available as long as the child needs us. BACA also holds other functions for the children such as Bar-B-Ques, and parties.

Level 1 Intervention
Will consist of the organization deploying a ride, uniting as many BACA members as are able to attend. We will ride as a group to the child’s house where the parent(s) / Guardians will be present to assist us in presenting the child with a patch, stickers, and a Polaroid photograph of the child with his/her new biker family. If the child is afraid, it is our hope the child will use the photograph as a comfort to convey the message “I am not alone, and you don’t want to mess with my family.”
Level 2 Intervention
If Level one is not sufficient to deter further abuse or harassment, several BACA members will be sent for further exposure. This group of BACA members will create a presence at the home of the child, being visible at times when the family might be the most vulnerable. The purpose of BACA’s presence is to deter further abuse and to protect the children and the family, if necessary.
Level 3 Intervention
If the physical presence of our BACA members at the residence of the child’s home does not deter the abuser, a formal letter will be drafted by the Chapter President or Vice-President in the area in which the abuser lives. This letter will be written on BACA letterhead. The substance of the letter will be to explain to the perpetrator that we are prepared to take whatever steps are necessary to become the obstacle to further abuse.
Level 4 Intervention
While it is against the purpose of BACA to purposely engage a perpetrator, we will ask for the general geographical location of the offender, and conduct a “Neighborhood Awareness Ride” in which we will ride to the general location given to us and go door to door letting people know who we are, hand out stickers to kids, and distribute our literature regarding our mission and how we function. If the location or address of the perpetrator becomes known to any BACA Member, we will immediately withdraw our physical presence to avoid any contact. BACA does not condone, support or participate in the use of aggression, violence or physical force in any manner. If, however, ANY person should seek to inflict harm on one of our BACA Members, we will respond with commitment and loyalty to protect our Member.
Our Court Appearances
Occasionally we will attend court with our wounded friends. The sole purpose for our physical presence is to assist the child in being less intimidated and frightened, and subsequently give an accurate testimony regarding his/her abuse. If the child requests our presence in the courtroom, the parent or guardian for the child must petition the child’s attorney, who then will intercede on behalf of the child to the presiding Judge. Absolutely no physical confrontation of the perpetrator will be tolerated by BACA, and anyone acting in such a manner will be acting outside of the scope of BACA and will be held completely and solely accountable for his/her actions. When possible, the two bikers assigned to the child as his/her primary contacts should be in attendance. Given that it is not always possible for the primary contact bikers to be in attendance, a petition may be made to the general membership for their attendance and support. A listing of the court dates and times will be kept and updated on the BACA hotline at all times.
BACA Creed
I am a member of Bikers Against Child Abuse. The die has been cast. The decision has been made. I have stepped over the line. I wont look back, let up, slow down, back away, or be still.

My past has prepared me, my present makes sense, and my future is secure. Im finished and done with low living, sight walking, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, mundane talking, cheap giving, and dwarfed goals.

I no longer need pre-eminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits, or popularity. I dont have to be right, first, tops, recognized, praised, regarded, or rewarded. I now live by the faith in my works, and lean on the strength of my brothers and sisters. I love with patience, live by prayer, and labor with power.

My fate is set, my gait is fast, my goal is the ultimate safety of children. My road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions are tried and true, my Guide is reliable, my mission is clear. I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back, deluded, or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of adversity, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity. I wont give up, shut up, let up, until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up, paid up, and showed up for all wounded children. I must go until I drop, ride until I give out, and work till He stops me. And when He comes for His own, He will have no problem recognizing me, for He will see my BACA backpatch and know that I am one of His. I am a member of Bikers Against Child Abuse, and this is my creed.

Founder, Bikers Against Child Abuse, Inc.

Bikers Against Child Abuse – B.A.C.A. Read More »

A True Scotsman

A Scotsman walking down the street sees a woman with absolutely perfect breasts.

He approaches her and says, “Miss, would ye let me bite ye breasts for $100?”

“Are you nuts?!!!” she replies, and keeps walking.

He turns around, runs around the block and gets to the corner before she does.

“Would ye let me bite ye breasts for $1,000 dollars?” he asks.

“Listen, I’m not that kind of woman! Got it?”

So the Scotsman runs around the next block and faces her again. “Would ye let me bite ye breasts just once for $10,000 dollars?”

She thinks about it for a moment and says, “Hmmm, $10,000 dollars; O.K., just once, but not here. Let’s go to that dark alley over there.”

So they go into the alley, where she takes off her blouse to reveal the most perfect breasts in the world.

As soon as he sees them, he grabs them and starts caressing them, fondling them slowly, kissing them, licking them, burying his face in them, but not biting them…

The woman finally gets annoyed and asks, “Well? Are you gonna bite them or not?”

“Nah”, says the Scotsman…. “Costs too much…”

A True Scotsman Read More »

2010 Harley Davidson Models Released

Yesterday Harley Davidson Unveiled its 2010 Models, with a few surprises.    Quite  a few actually, at least to me.   34 models all in all.

  • The trikes to me are kinda cool.   I’ve heard they are funner than hell.    Maybe something mrs Zip would enjoy riding with me on.     Dave Grohl thinks they’re cool too.
  • Street Glide CVO Finally.
  • New Street Glides come in fire engine red now.   Beautiful.
  • The rumor was that Harley was going to stop making the road Glide.   Apparantly not yet?   Its still on the menu.
  • The Rocker C is still the most retarded bike ever.   It needs to go away.   Let the other MOCO’s do that kind of crap.
  • Cross bones still have that jacked up rear fender and terrible seat pan.   That bike is still 80% there.   Fix that back fender, and that bike is the real deal.   They set out making a bitchen old bobber, and got lazy or forgot what a bobber looks like toward the end.    If I ever buy one, I’d take a torch to that back fender and buy an old school tractor seat, some longer apes and that bike would be right.
  • Electra Glide Limited.   Gotta figure out what that’s all about.   Pretty bike.
  • I still haven’t gotten used to the look of the 6 gallon tanks on the touring bikes.   That was a mistake in my eyes.
  • I could totally get used to the new frame on the touring bikes.
  • I still think the Nightster is good looking.    I could own one of those.
  • 9 of these models are brand new, and 7 are under 10 grand.   the Sportster Iron is under 8 grand.
  • Welcome back, dyna Wide Glide.   You should have never left.

Anyway, check em out.

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Iron Butt Certificate

This morning first thing, our B.A.C.A. chapter went and made a presentation at the Local Chapter of the Exchange Club. Shots, our president did a great job of telling them about who we are and what we do. I’ll be honest, most people in my club don’t know that I have a lot of experience public speaking and I’m chomping at the bit to speak publicly about B.A.C.A. I’ve spoke in front of hundreds if not close to thousands of people before, and I love it. Someday, hopefully, Ill get my chance.

Anyway, my president did a great job and we found a great ally against child abuse in the Exchange club. Their platform is against child abuse as well, and they were very gracious. I’m really looking foward to working with them in the future.

The posted in on their blog:

[singlepic id=199 w=320 h=240 mode=watermark float=center]

Mrs Zip sent me a text when the mail came, and apparantly I got a package from the Iron Butt Association:

[singlepic id=200 w=320 h=240 mode=watermark float=center]

[singlepic id=202 w=320 h=240 mode=watermark float=center]

[singlepic id=201 w=320 h=240 mode=watermark float=center]

I also got a pin which I have already put on my vest.  I’m a bit proud to be part of the Iron Butt Association.   I’ll be more proud when I’m patched into B.A.C.A.     Maybe the proudest I’ve ever been.   I’ve never felt more aligned with an organization than Bikers against Child Abuse.    It fills my thoughts more often than not.   I really want to make a difference there.

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Top 10 Motorcycle films of all time

Top 10 Motorcycle Movies of all time

Mrs Zip and the kids are gone this weekend, so I’ve busted out all my Bike movies to watch this weekend while I work.

Here’s my top 10 biker movies of all time.

    1. Easy Rider (1969) – Hands down the most influential movie in how I ride and what I like about riding. It needs no introduction or explanation. I must love it enough, much of this blog is dedicated to the movie. A must own.

    1. World’s Fastest Indian (2005) – I’ll never get sick of this movie. 67 year old Burt Munro was the real deal, and the movie was made by the person who documented him when he was alive 40 years earlier. My attitude about biking is reflected in the line of the movie where the doctor tells Burt “unfortunately your motorcycling days are over” and he responds “like hell they are…”

    1. Sons of Anarchy (series 2008 – present) – Not technically a movie, but a great TV series. Love the story lines, love the characters, and love the bikes. Can’t wait for season 2

    1. Then Came Bronson (movie and series – 1969 – 1970) – there’s some days, I wished I was Jim Bronson. Travelling from town to town, living off my wits and riding wherever the wind blew me. Worth watching over and over.

    1. Electra Glide in Blue (1973) – Story of a good cop in a world of bad ones.   Great movie.   Robert Blake and the photography is great, and the scenery is stuff I ride all the time.    Stands on its own as a good movie, but add in motorcycles and its even better.   The one negative I can say is that prick-cop named “zip”.    He’s no Zip.

    1. Hells angels on wheels (1967) – Actually, really a pretty decent low budget movie for its time. Sonny Barger is in some of the opening scenes, and Jack Nicholson starts to show his intensity as an actor. A pretty watered down glimpse of the Hells Angels, but I’m sure shocking for it’s time.   Movies like this fueled the image of Motorcyclists that harley moco makes so much money on now. I actually quite like this movie.

    1. Viva Knevel (1977) – When I was a kid, my principle told the school to be happy who they were. That they did not want to be anyone else. I raised my hand obnoxiously and told him that I in fact wanted to be Evel Knevel. I wasn’t lying.   Not a great movie to be honest, and Evel was a terrible actor, but he was an American Original and was another big influence on me when I was young.

    1. The motorcycle diaries (2004) – True story of Ernesto Che’ Guevara and his motorcycle trip with a friend across south America. I’m no fan of Che’ Guevara, but it’s an interesting movie of touring on an old motorcycle.

    1. Wild Angels (1966) – Peter Fonda plays the leader of the hells angels in venice CA, and Bruce Dern plays his good buddy “loser”. the cheese stands on its own, but the music accelerates it. It’s good because its a 60’s period piece, has Peter Fonda and really cool bikes. Worth watching a couple of times. Just trip out on the bikes, the clothes and the roads.

    1. Rebel Rousers (1970) – Watch it once, then you don’t need to watch it ever again. It’s good because it was Jack Nicholsons follow up movie to Easy Rider. Really corny, but the bikes in it are pretty bitchen. It’s the kind of movie you used to watch at 3AM on saturday morning before we invented late night infomercials.

Now I realize the historical significance of the Wild One, but I can’t stomach the movie. It’s overly corny and Inaccurate in what really happened at Hollister.   Once they hit the town and stop riding, I quit watching. I left it off the list, because quite honestly I don’t like it. The only thing I can say good about it is I love those post war-era bobbers.    I’ve never made it more than 3/4 of the way through that show.

Also, Wild hogs made me throw up in my mouth.  Couldn’t even muster a smile.

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Country Freakin’ Music

Skeezix says I should listen to more country.  Honest to God, I’ve tried.  I just can’t stomach it.   I love its simplicty, patriotism and sometimes even beat.   But more often than not, you need to eat it with a big spoon because its so fucking corny.     It’s almost embarrassing.   Somewhere in my ego, I think I’m smarter than that.     Skeezix certainly is smart, but good Lord, how many times can you wrap a song around a canned line, your truck, a tractor, or that your woman left you?

Now somehow I’ve managed to make a few exceptions, and the exceptions I truly Love.   Johnny Cash, Glen Campbell and Maybe an Alabama song here or there.   Here’s 2 more, and I’ll play the videos for you.
I love the Maveriks.   Have a listen:

How in the world could you not just love that song? Great Riding song.

Dwight Yoakam is the 2nd Exception. I have no idea, because he reeks of twangy guitars and crying voice. I don’t know if it’s because dwight cut his teeth opening up for punk bands in the late 80s, or if his music just resonates with me because of songs like this: (I tend to think its the latter)

Dwight Yoakam ” A Thousand Miles From Nowhere”

At 70 mph out in the nevada or Arizona desert, drinking water by the gallon and going over my week, how could that song not hit home? I own a whole lot of Dwight Yoakam. Can someone please tell me the difference?

Toby Keith Urban can eat a bag of hell.

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