I think I’ve had a stroke.
Pretty much my whole life, I’ve made fun of country music. I laughed it off as corny and even a little too simple for my tastes. I’ve liked a few artists; Dwight Yoakam, Johnny Cash, a little Alabama or a country/pop crossover song here and there. Mostly, nothing I’d admit to.
I think it all started with that trip across the Texas Panhandle. I found some old classic country riding through there, and it just seemed to fit the territory. No big deal; I enjoyed the hell out of those miles. That was a few months ago.
I came home, and lived my life.
Now all of a sudden, The last couple of weeks, for some reason all I’ve been listening to is country music on the way to work. I found this playlist on my Amazon Prime account on my phone that sync’s up with my car and its been Patsy Cline, Merle Haggard, Buck Owens, Loretta Lynn… shit I’ve heard, but never listened to. Even some of the new stuff; yeah, it’s simple and even so corny sometimes I wince a bit when I hear it.
Yeah, I think I’ve had a stroke. This stuff all of a sudden sounds good to me.
I think I’ve had a stroke. Read More »